Therapists, mental health workers and even dietitians often struggle with their own relationship with food and body. Gain the knowledge of an anti-diet approach to food, while challenging your own belief systems about food and your body.
In this workshop we will explore five critical tasks for healing your relationship with food and your body. By doing so, you will be better prepared to do the same transformative work with your clients and patients.
1. Witnessing the Wounds of Dieting and Diet Culture
2. Connecting Within (Hunger, Fullness, Satiety)
3. Giving the Gift of Permission (Finding pleasure and enjoyment in food)
4. Revealing the Disconnect (Healing in emotional eating)
5. Embracing Forgiveness and Repairing the Relationship With Your Body.
Tickets $60 (Early Bird = $50, available up to 2 weeks prior to event), includes networking lunch and 3 CEs.
Learning Objectives
Conceptualize the true impact of dieting, including the physical, emotional and mental wounds and how these can present in behaviors and thought patterns with food
Discover how people may be participating in diet culture without realizing it
Find ways to give yourself permission with foods, uncover barriers that can stand in the way, learn ways to challenge these barriers and take real steps to heal your relationship with food.
Tune in to your body to recognize hunger, fullness, satiety and the set-ups involved with emotional eating.