Private Practice Consultation and Mentorship

Meet Casey Limmer

From the desk of Casey Limmer, MSW, LCSW

10 + years of private practice counseling experience and founder of Gateway Wellness Associates and St. Louis DBT, LLC.

Just like our patients and clients, helping professionals can all use a little guidance and support when trying to accomplish a huge goal, overcome fears and blocks, or build a new career path in therapy from scratch. Most wellness professionals have had little or no business training.  

 In fact, many find themselves in a fetal position just thinking about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur -- website building, networking, marketing, fee-setting, insurance billing, paneling, scheduling, invoicing, self-employment taxes . . . Are you curled up yet?

I've been there.  I wish I could say entrepreneurship just runs in my blood.  After all, my parents are business people. And not just any business people -- they co-author a book about business.  Well, not just any book -- THE book -- the #1 business textbook in the country, Understanding Business.  Ironically, prior to starting my practice, I did not understand business one little bit.  Combine that with my lifelong tendency toward rebellion and, naturally, I steered my life as far from business as possible.  I got a degree in Social Work.  To this day, talk of investments put me to sleep and the thought of balancing a budget chills me to the core.  

Luckily, I have found that there actually are similarities between running a business and doing good therapy.  Thus, my goal for Gateway Wellness Associates has become imparting these tips and tricks to other wellness professionals like you -- those who wish to start a private practice, be their own boss, and serve their community on their own terms.  You were not taught the ins and outs of starting a business in grad school -- neither was I.  However,  I was given a 24/7 injection of business knowledge in my formative years, and I'm finally putting it to good use.  

Since 2011, I have built my own private practice up to a full practice -- more than full.  Together, my 20 contractors and I see over 300 clients per year, providing individual, family, and group therapy to the St. Louis area.  I have learned from many bumps along the way.  I have discovered things that work for my practice and things that do not.  I have distilled many a lesson that I wish would have been provided to me years before I started this path.

Business Mentorship/Coaching

If you are interested in getting a helping hand on your journey to private practice success, contact Casey today.  Fees for business mentorship are $150 per hour ($120 for current GWA members).

How to Build a Mental health Private Practice

Because of this long journey to business success, a key component of GWA services has become business coaching, private practice workshops and consultation groups. -- services for helping professionals to accomplish their own learning and growth goals.