Building Blocks of Private Practice: 21st Century Marketing and Social Media
9:00 AM09:00

Building Blocks of Private Practice: 21st Century Marketing and Social Media

You may be an amazing therapist, counselor, dietician, health coach, consultant, chiropractor, massage therapist, Reiki master, neuropsychologist or even dog whisperer, but how will people outside your inner circle ever know about you?  Learn how to utilize free marketing tools to increase your reach and influence.

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Building Blocks of Private Practice: Creating an Effective Website
9:00 AM09:00

Building Blocks of Private Practice: Creating an Effective Website

  • University Tower 2nd floor conference room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Not many start-ups, let alone priavte practioners, have a ton of cash budgeted for marketing, nor do they want to spend several thougsands of dollars when they don't even know if they will like or succeed in private practice in the first place. Established practices have found their pool of new clients drying up as people use the internet and not personal connections or recommendations to shop for everything from toothpaste to wellness services. The simple truth is you have to have a web presence to even exist, much less thrive, in the market these days.

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Building Blocks of Private Practice: Facing the Fear of Finances
9:00 AM09:00

Building Blocks of Private Practice: Facing the Fear of Finances

Accounting, fee-setting, budgets, billing, collections, profitability . . . Many wellness professionals, after reading these words, are either on the verge of a panic attack or retreat into the “happy place” in their head where the only thing they have to do in their private practice is what they do best – see clients and help them live as happier, healthier versions of themselves. 

This session, 2 facilitators will help you face your fears and find your footing in finances. Two experts for the price of one -- Look at you, already making smart financial decisions!

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Building Blocks of Private Practice: Mindset Makeover
9:00 AM09:00

Building Blocks of Private Practice: Mindset Makeover

Cogito, ergo sum -- I think, therefore I am. Research has found evidence that successful entrepreneurs have a very specific set of thoughts and beliefs? How you think about your practice will shape your feelings about it, determine how well you weather the natural ups and downs of the marketplace and influence how you convey your passions for your work to others, thus setting you apart from the crowd and making others want to refer to you.

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Building Blocks of Private Practice: The ABC's
9:00 AM09:00

Building Blocks of Private Practice: The ABC's

A Primer in Private Practice

Are you considering declaring your independence from working for the big agencies and being beholdant to arbitrary demands of grants and policies you did not create? Is it time for you to create a career path you can be passionate about and proud of? Are you ready to finally shed those fears and take a shot at financial success? Let us help you find that success. We are demystifying the process, simplifying the steps and supporting wellness professionals who are curious and serious about taking the next steps in their careers.

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21st Century Marketing: Getting Your Message Out Quickly and Efficiently
2:00 PM14:00

21st Century Marketing: Getting Your Message Out Quickly and Efficiently

Today, the average person’s attention span is about 8-15 seconds. Many studies now claim that if you don’t grab someone’s attention in the first 6 seconds, you’ve lost them. In fact, if you are reading this far down this event page, it is a damn miracle or you are exceptionally smart and dedicated to the growth of your business (probably the latter). Modern-day messages have been distilled into sound bytes no longer than 140 characters. That presents a challenge for most of us rather verbose wellness professionals with a wealth of knowledge to bestow. In this session, we will get you started down the path of brevity (don’t worry it’s a short path). We will help you choose where to focus your efforts and sift through the MANY online marketing options.

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If You Build It (Correctly), They Will Come: Creating Content and Improving SEO
2:00 PM14:00

If You Build It (Correctly), They Will Come: Creating Content and Improving SEO

Just because you have a website, doesn’t mean people can find it. In this session, we will focus on the behind the scenes tasks of building and maintaining your site – the types of things those spiders that crawl the world wide web are looking for when they bring a site to the top of the Google search. Again, bring your computer or tablet so you can make some changes directly to your site as you learn!

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Website-Building 101
2:00 PM14:00

Website-Building 101

This session, we will be starting (or refining) your website together. This is perfect for those who have been putting off creating a website or who have started one but are not happy with it. We will be showing you how to use a website builder to create a beautiful and informative site. All participants should bring a computer or tablet if they want to work on their own site during the workshop. We will be working with Squarespace, which comes with a free 14-day trial, so if you don’t like what you’ve created or want to use another platform, you may.

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Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 5
4:00 PM16:00

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 5

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group is a 5-part course that incorporates business coaching, learning and peer advising into a single recipe for success.  Don't just learn about Networking -- practice it!  Don't just talk about starting a practice -- build it!  You can do it and you do NOT have to do it alone!

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Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 4
4:00 PM16:00

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 4

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group is a 5-part course that incorporates business coaching, learning and peer advising into a single recipe for success.  Don't just learn about Networking -- practice it!  Don't just talk about starting a practice -- build it!  You can do it and you do NOT have to do it alone!

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Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 3
4:00 PM16:00

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 3

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group is a 5-part course that incorporates business coaching, learning and peer advising into a single recipe for success.  Don't just learn about Networking -- practice it!  Don't just talk about starting a practice -- build it!  You can do it and you do NOT have to do it alone!

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Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 2
4:00 PM16:00

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 2

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group is a 5-part course that incorporates business coaching, learning and peer advising into a single recipe for success.  Don't just learn about Networking -- practice it!  Don't just talk about starting a practice -- build it!  You can do it and you do NOT have to do it alone!

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Wine and Whine Consultation Meeting
5:30 PM17:30

Wine and Whine Consultation Meeting

Who loves wining and whining? We do, and we aren't ashamed to say it! That's why we are inviting other wellness professionals in the St. Louis area to come join us for our monthly networking meeting. (Drinking and complaining are not required for attendance, just come hang out with some other motivated folks in private practice!)

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Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 1
4:00 PM16:00

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group -- Session 1

Private Practice Success Course and Discussion Group is a 5-part course that incorporates business coaching, learning and peer advising into a single recipe for success.  Don't just learn about Networking -- practice it!  Don't just talk about starting a practice -- build it!  You can do it and you do NOT have to do it alone!

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Wine and Whine Consultation Meeting
5:30 PM17:30

Wine and Whine Consultation Meeting

Who loves wining and whining? We do, and we aren't ashamed to say it! That's why we are inviting other wellness professionals in the St. Louis area to come join us for our monthly networking meeting. (Drinking and complaining are not required for attendance, just come hang out with some other motivated folks in private practice!)

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Private Practice Basics Workshop
4:00 PM16:00

Private Practice Basics Workshop

Is 2018 going to be the year you declare your independence? Will it be the year you create a career path you can be passionate about and proud of? Is 2018 when you finally shed those fears and take a shot at financial success? 

Let us help you find that success. We are demystifying the process, simplifying the steps and supporting wellness professionals who are curious and serious about taking the next steps in their careers. 

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