Honoring the complex mosaic of humanity by taking a
multidimensional approach to wellness.
Physical Wellness
Environmental Wellness
Financial Wellness
Occupational Wellness
Intellectual Wellness
Social Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Spiritual Wellness
Behavioral Wellness
Circle the Elephant (CTE) is about honoring the complex mosaic of humanity by taking a multidimensional approach to wellness and all the intricacies at play. At CTE, we are committed to providing networking opportunities for all the diverse minds in wellness to collaborate and foster relationships, as well as training on treatment modalities that are backed by data and interventions that are ethical and responsible. CTE networking events and workshops provide education credits for those on the professional track but they are not limited to professionals. We must educate therapists, counselors, doctors, nurses, coaches and community alike if we are to achieve Multi-dimensional wellness.
Circle the elephant is a collaboration between Gateway Wellness Associates,
Treatment Placement Specialists of Acadia Healthcare and
Amanda LaPlante, Get Real to Heal.
We would like to thank our 2020 Sponsor Acadia Healthcare for their support of Circle the Elephant.
At CTE we utilize physical spaces that can accommodate 20-120 people as well as technologies that allow us to live stream audio visual content and record events in order to create a database of content that can be revisited again and again.
Our workshops and events are facilitated by an expert in the field of health coaching and interviewing, radio host of Get Real to Heal, Amanda LaPlante. Each event we bring together an audience that represents a wide scope of wellness professionals and caretakers . We often have psychiatrists and energy healers, pastors and yoga instructors, trauma therapists and police officers all at the same table, sharing experiences and knowledge. They welcome different perspectives and opportunities to learn about how their skills can compliment the practice of another.
CTE trainings and workshops provide ce credits for those on the professional track but they are by no means limited to professionals. We must educate therapists and clients alike if we are to achieve true health.